IT Purchasing Checklist
When planning to acquire an electronic information technology product/service, be prepared by having the following information and documentation readily accessible. This will help expedite the review process. If you are facilitating the purchase on behalf of someone else, in order to complete required fields of the IT purchase request form, you may need to coordinate the collection of the following information.
Before purchasing: Will a redeployed system be an option for your department? A redeployed computer is a repurposed computer which has been reset with the latest campus image and is typically 5-6 years old, which for basic office work will be sufficient. Fill out the form to request a redeploy.
If a redeployed computer will not meet your department needs, you can purchase a computer from a vendor. Titan Shops is the preferred vendor. Technical support from IT will vary depending on which computer is purchased.
Purchasing a rollout machine:
Full technical support from IT (imaging, management, and hardware troubleshooting).
Purchasing business grade model other than the rollout machine:
Best-effort technical support. (Set up, add to domain, provide standard set of software, and management).
Purchasing consumer grade model:
IT is not equipped nor do we have the resources to support. You can request campus software for your machine.
1. Product/service details
- Who is using it? How? For what purpose?
- Vendor quote or link to product; software purchases require a copy of the supplier's agreement with terms and conditions
- Total estimated cost
2. Based on product/service type and its usage, you may need to provide the following:
- VPAT: Products/services for use in an academic setting, by more than one user, and/or by the general public require a VPAT. For more information about VPATs and accessible technology, please refer to VPAT/ACR , CSUF's ATI Site, and FAQs.
- Data Security: For software applications that are cloud-based/accessible via the internet, you'll need to provide specific information regarding the type of data that will be collected, shared, accessed/transmitted, or stored. For more information please see FAQs and CSU Policy on Information Technology Security.
- Authentication and Login: For cloud-based software application that requires a web-based interface login, you'll need to provide information on what single sign-on (SSO) is supported by the vendor.